Hello, I have been doing this type of washing for some time and it is necessary that the acetone is pure 100%, besides that it must be done with very cold acetone , not to put in the freezer or fridge since the acetone absorbs the water and that will eat the cocaline, I use 10 ml per gram, I put the pot in a glass of precipitation I put it film and stir for at least 10 minutes, then stop the stirring and the magnetic screw and left of resting, lamea coffee filter and mojo with acetone and then I go very slowly throwing the liquid away always leaving the cocaine down, once there is only cocaine, I put in the glass 5 ml per gram of clean and fresh acetone, I throw it in the filter and once the liquid has been slipped 3ml echo 3 ml per gr of fresh and clean acetone, once I sliced the filter and lamb lay paper and squeeze a little so that the paper picks up the leftover acetone, put itIn a towel and leave to rest for 24 hours and comes out a very good material, but very careful with the acetone since if you leave the bottle open it absorbs the water and ruins part of the product and acetone not only pure also of quality, removes many cuts, if you then do a pure methanol wash much better, after this make an a/b go to base and then to hydrochlorate and you will have completely clean the product, the important thing in this last case is to cotro the ph, after this, after this you make an a/b go through to the base and then you will have completely clean the product, the important thing in this last case is to cotro the ph , after this doing a/b make a tour off and then you will have completely clean the product, the important thing in this last case is to cotroloat the ph,I usually take out the base with ammonia and water up to ph 8 , I pick up and then up to ph 9 or 10 and I'm picking phases, you're going to each phase is different, then go on to hydrochloride, I use acetone or eter with the best quality hcl and with the highest percentage range and I usually do the same, I pick up ph 4.5 to 5.5 and then at ph 3 , greetings