Dear customers,
you can message me for the sample orders you would like to place of the future batch - for now small amounts are not in the offer - I am unable to provide, but I can do that on the request. You can place the order till 7th regarding samples (end of my break). Preordered sample orders will be send with standard orders in the offer.
Regarding orders that are in the transit (latest dispatch) - If they wont be delivered till 7th I will reship them with the rest of the orders.
The ideology is to provide pure product to people - its only one rule that will be never change. Its your right to receive pure product!
I say NO to the impurities! So probably you are as well. Dirty, stinky and what the hell impurities are no needed in the product in my policy.
Orders that are dispatched will be reshipped if they wont arrive till 7th. I respect myself, I respect you, when you place the order you gain the right to receive pure product and its mission to fullfill. So dont be worried, sometimes the shipping times may be long or some delays may occur, dont be worried it will be always reshiped. The best strategy is to place order in advance, not in the last moment.
For some special cases while you feel the need to have this pure product right now in your hand becasue its your right that it should be widely aviable and such quality is the standard.- to move into these dreams I can provide you the closest simulation - you can request the emergency service to make magic and product is dispatched instnatly to you. You are done with impurities in products that you usually buy or any othe reason - just report it to me - your order may apply to be granted of the closest simulation of the dreams.... so you can forget about impurities

(extra extra paid)
I help to run a symulation of the perfect world where product can be bought like a vodka in the nearest store, and you know its content. And most important that nobody ever heard about impurities in such world. Can you imagine? No impurities - nobody ever heard about them- HA! what are they? everyone surpsrised! - impurities dont exist in this dream that you can move into by joining to it.
Do you have other idea for the dream? Request the product! It can be just added into tasks queue.
We do have dreams, if for whatever reason your dream is some pure product in the mind - you can use syntehsis on request service if its aviable.
In this virtual reality I become designer of the art. become artist too and create this dream with me.
short and serious info:
on next batch orders that were not delivered will be reshiped
you can request in advance the samples
purity of product is number 1 rule here.
while you place the order its my mission to provide the product for you, it would not fit this simulation of the dream if something happens with the package your dream changes to have it reshiped

dreams are important in such magic stores like this....
You may have whatever dreams you have, its everything in the mind.
I hope that I could at least give you some humour reading it in that unpleasant delivery times reality