Hi everyone. Lots of discussion here about what to make, where to get crates, pseudo, whether to go p2p method and so on... I've loaded up a lot of stuff, patents for making efa yeast aids and benzaldehyde. But before it was made that way, the efa was shaken straight from the hopper. There are several brewers and perhaps the highest yielding one gives about 10g of efa per 100g ( dry matter ? ) now I don't know if it's dry matter or fresh, but I guess it doesn't matter now. By the way, somewhere here on the forum there is a guide to extraction. I rather want to ask if anyone has tried this extraction ? I once brought some squash back from vacation, about 50 g dried, maybe more. I extracted and ended up with a green gel, couldn't make it into hcl or a clear colorless base. But later I wondered if the green gel could also be reacted directly with I/Rp ? Would that be possible? Anyone have any experience? Thanks and good luck.