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Fajny !! Marzy mi się film z syntezą met, zaczynając od ekstrakcji pseudofedryny z tabletek i jej syntezy za pomocą kwasu podfosforowego.
Hello, I have a few questions. I would be happy if someone with experience answers. 1 I think it is racemic crystal production, d what is the difference between the melting and freezing times of the crystal according to crystal formation d according to the type of crystal? 2. The given recipe is 45 days for 100g. Accordingly, is the crystal duration of 10 grams 4.5 days?
Hello, I have a few questions. I would be happy if someone with experience answers. 1 I think it is racemic crystal production, d what is the difference between the melting and freezing times of the crystal according to crystal formation d according to the type of crystal? 2. The given recipe is 45 days for 100g. Accordingly, is the crystal duration of 10 grams 4.5 days?
Hi, your question is quite unclear, can you reformulate them? What do u mean "crystal duration"?
Hi, your question is quite unclear, can you reformulate them? What do u mean "crystal duration"?
It is said that the waiting time for 100 grams of 1:1 water and ethanol mixture in the final process is 1.5 months. Does the time change if the experiment is done with 10 grams instead of 100 grams?
It is said that the waiting time for 100 grams of 1:1 water and ethanol mixture in the final process is 1.5 months. Does the time change if the experiment is done with 10 grams instead of 100 grams?
yes, certainly
Can the teacher teach me how to use iodophosphate to synthesize hydroiodic acid and how to synthesize methamphetamine? Thank you
Why do my crystals form in such groups?
Why do my crystals form in such groups?
I guess, because of crystallization speed, amount of meth, and purity.
Is there a difference between the melting and freezing times in the pipe (d meth) if a comparison is made?
I don't clearly understand your questions. Same substance, same melting point.
Hello, amphetamine has powder form. You can carry out an acid-base extraction to purify it. There is detailed tutorial how to.
Sir, can I send you a private message? I'm a beginner and have a lot of stupid questions about this. please help, thank you🙏
Geeat video solve loft problems for my it's any chance skip time in process?
Why couldn't you evaporate the meth/ethanol/water solution by heating instead of at room temperature for 1.5 months??
I'm sorry to ask, but I hope it's a joke with this period, the time of crystallization of 1.5 months????????
Can anyone help me with the crystallization of ????
Does anyone know what the professional name of this shaker with a filter for draining is , it has some pom?????
I've tried all the attempts they write here to achieve big shards but nothing works and I've tried probably everything, my creativity is at an end. Does anyone know that from practice and not just from lessons and on a theoretical level?
Hello, amphetamine has powder form. You can carry out an acid-base extraction to purify it. There is detailed tutorial how to.

Can you find a link to said tutorial?
also, what would you say can be a recipe that you can make from home items and that you can buy from the stores? can you direct me to such instructions?
Can you find a link to said tutorial?
also, what would you say can be a recipe that you can make from home items and that you can buy from the stores? can you direct me to such instructions?
You can find it by yourself in Amphetamines section.
You can also make nice crystals by slow cooling, but it depends on the amount, the larger the amount, the larger the crystals and the temperature with which you are supposed to cool is 105 degrees, then there is enough water for slow crystallization
I've tried all the attempts they write here to achieve big shards but nothing works and I've tried probably everything, my creativity is at an end. Does anyone know that from practice and not just from lessons and on a theoretical level?
Sorry, it was just a small detail and I already have the result according to my expectations:love::love:
Thank you master. What is the answer to question 1? Is there a difference between the melting and freezing times in the pipe (d meth) if a comparison is made?
No, they have the same functional groups and the same elemental ingredients. If they're were different times or temps, you could separate them through milting point or phase change, but you can't. L and D ( R AND S TECHNICALLY) Have different crystal structures, but both types will crystalize together making an intermediate between the 2 shapes
So many questions, that have already been answered 10 times. The reason you LET IT take 1.5 months is exactly to get big shards. If you hear the solution and evaporate it more quickly, you get smaller crystals. You can evaporate it in 10 minutes if you want, but it will be the consistency of table salt. One thing that is often overlooked is the initial cool down period.midninsteadmof just turning the heat off, you could lower it 2° every hour, perhaps using a PID controller, causing it to cool from 100 to 20 over a period of 40 hours, you be far ahead of the big crystal game. You can take it off of the hot plate and put it right in the freezer but again it will be like table salt. By letting the water evaporated very slowly at room temperature, you are giving the solution enough time to form a good crystal structure. As it crystalizes via a saturated solution, it remains saturated because the water is evaporating
So many questions, that have already been answered 10 times. The reason you LET IT take 1.5 months is exactly to get big shards. If you hear the solution and evaporate it more quickly, you get smaller crystals. You can evaporate it in 10 minutes if you want, but it will be the consistency of table salt. One thing that is often overlooked is the initial cool down period.midninsteadmof just turning the heat off, you could lower it 2° every hour, perhaps using a PID controller, causing it to cool from 100 to 20 over a period of 40 hours, you be far ahead of the big crystal game. You can take it off of the hot plate and put it right in the freezer but again it will be like table salt. By letting the water evaporated very slowly at room temperature, you are giving the solution enough time to form a good crystal structure. As it crystalizes via a saturated solution, it remains saturated because the water is evaporating
Absolutely right! 👍

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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