Cocaine Crystallization

New Student

Don't buy from me
Sep 10, 2024
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I am new to all this, can someone teach me how to crystallize cociane?

I got some really good coke, but it doesn't shine or have any fish scales.

I was told it need to be crystallized to have the shine, can someone pls show me how?

Thank you NS


Don't buy from me
Dec 18, 2022
Reaction score
If you had some really good coke, then this would not be a question you would be asking.

Let Loki enlighten you: pure cocaine clumps up and becomes shiny, forming beautiful rock-like formations, because it is hygroscopic. If your cocaine is in powder form and has no shine, most likely there is a cutting agent present.

Pure cocaine CAN look like powder after chopping it up and performing washes with ice cold 100% acetone or ethyl acetate (if any of these are not -20 or -30C and completely dry, you will dissolve your cocaine in them, so after doing your washes to be safe make sure you evaporate the solvent used to make sure you did not). All you need to do after washing it is wait until the solvent evaporates and pour it into a vial or a tube where it will be slightly compressed (you want the coke to sit on coke in a small area; if you spread it across a plate, it will not grow legs and move). If the atmosphere is humid enough, just opening the vial once a day should provide enough moisture for the coke to lump up and form what you refer to as "crystals", if the atmosphere is dry, add ONE DROP of dh2o (if you add more it will turn into paste, pure coke is extremely water soluble) - you can also try putting the vial, opened, in an airtight container with a piece of cotton that you drop some distilled water on, the coke should absorb that and clump up.

If you had posted a picture it would have been easier to help you.

And yes, I realize this is an old thread, however good coke advice is far and between, maybe someone will find this useful in the future.