The system in February I habe been looking forward to for some time. In my small rural area I already hae a small courier serice that can take care of an area in about 8-10 counties is my state, all of them rural. There is little need for it at moment so we dont see much business at all though since where I am there are not alot of people who do online stuff nor do any of them do dead drops for whateer reason most of the older generation I deal with dont seem to care for that, thjey just like to meet at the house like always. I habe always planned ahead and ordered what I know I will need at least 2 weeks in adance or more depending on the seller. I always use the same ones after I find reliable ones with good product but lately I hae been going local which I hate but the product is much better and cheaper. After 25 years of opioids I am finally off them, been some days now, oer the worst of it but I still hae a cola habit that seems like it may be more difficult to kick, go figure. I always speedballed so its different without the H in it but I still like it. I am on 1-2 mg of clonazapam and lyrica daily which has helped with my withdrawels and anxiety issues which i didnt habe in the past. I am getting back into cannabis and a system outside the mail would be ideal since i think the feds would treat that more seriously than sending a couple g's of h or something because of how they are with weed. Crazy world