It's very easy for law enforcement to surveil you from a distance. The only chance you might have is noticing them collecting evidence to get a warrant. Once a judge signs a warrant, they can intercept all of your calls texts social media your movements via your phone without looking directly at you. They might dig through or steal your trash, which is perfectly legal, looking for probable cause or reasonable suspicion to get the warrent. If you notice your trash missing, there's not a lot of reasons for someone to take it. They have the technology to emulate a cell phone tower and trick your phone into connecting to their device which forwards it to the tower after they have recorded it.
They don't like it, but think of a reason to walk by the police office and make a note of the vehicles. Those vehicles on your street later is a bad sign. They are liable to harass you if they see you looking very hard and thats why those undercover cars are parked when they aren't using them. The best defense is a good offense. There are apps that let you listen in to emergency vehicle cb radios. Learn the lingo and you'll know where they are, where they are going, who's license or plates they are running. If you listen in the car, you might just hear your own plates getting ran.that gives you an advantage. You're about to get pulled over, but they don't know you know. Look for a place to ditch quick. They won't be expecting or prepared. If your license plate is "bbg420" they would say ,"dispatch, give me a[some numbers, it varies] 47" " go ahead" "Bradley Bradley George four-two-oh, Bradley Bradley George four-two-oh," that's you. She's going to say your name or whoever the car is registered to and if thier license is valid or suspended and if they have a warrent for their arrest. Think fast ( this is in the USA

). Smoke em' and ditch if that's the plan. Evading is a lower charge than possession for sale.
Fuck it, I said it. I've successfully evaded police a few times. Once for over a year. I gave them a someone else's information that I had memorized when I got pulled over, I saw someone running through the yard and jumped up and got in the closet and 5 seconds later the probation officer kicked the door in to my pregnant naked girlfriend laying alone in bed. THAT was some incredible luck /timing. It was 26 years ago now