Welcome to the UK section of the forum. Remember that posting contacts (jabber, telegram, signal and others) will result in a permanent ban! If you decide to buy or sell something without using escrow and lose money, we can't help you.
Para os 15 novos membros do Reino Unido que me enviaram mensagens sobre suas amostras grátis , envie-me seu endereço, pois não recebo nenhuma resposta há mais de uma semana
Para todas as pessoas que, por algum motivo, não enviaram DM para @The-Hive, VOCÊ PERDEU UMA BOA fatia de bolo! mas, é claro, a vida é sua - suas escolhas
PS. Se você não quiser, ficarei muito feliz em recebê-las
Could ppl not just keep making a fresh account and keep getting free samples this way,seems hard to believe it’s just being given away for free,still hopeful tho that I can my hands on some eventually been a long time,I bought some equipment in hope of creating it myself however all I’ve managed to get is toluene so far chem wise and im too paranoid to even open the bottle plus all the chems I would need..its a bit daunting
Can be pretty obvious that to be fair, browser signatures etc dunno though, I doubt anyone would get away with it tbh, I am just glad of it at all as I never got to try out bubble/mephedrone when it was legal here