Kontrola čistoty chemických látok


Don't buy from me
Jan 25, 2024
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Zdravím všetkých a ďakujem, že ste si pozreli môj príspevok.

Rozhodol som sa, že začnem vyrábať všetky chemikálie, ktoré môžem, pre moju nadchádzajúcu syntézu amfetamínu a 4mmc. Poskytne mi to prax a určitú predstavu o tom, čo môžem očakávať.

Tu je zoznam toho, čo budem vyrábať

Ľadová kyselina octová
n-Butylamín myslím, že si ho budem musieť kúpiť
1-fenyl-2-nitropropén (P2NP);
Ľadová kyselina octová (AcOH);
hydroxid sodný (NaOH);
Dusičnan ortuťnatý (II)
Kyselina sírová, len ju destilovať
metylamínhydrochlorid, ktorý prevediem na metylamín aq 40%
dikloromentán (metylchlorid )
A niekoľko ďalších

Ale moja otázka sa týka čistoty.
Napríklad mám kontrentovanú kyselinu sírovú a potrebujem 88 %. Potrebujem ju zriediť. Najprv potrebujem vedieť koncentráciu kyseliny sírovej, aby som ju potom mohol zriediť na požadovanú koncentráciu.

Môže mi niekto poskytnúť nejaké informácie, ako na to. Momentálne sa snažím zistiť hustotu, ale určite existujú aj iné spôsoby.

Ďakujem a prajem vám krásny deň


Don't buy from me
Jun 26, 2024
Reaction score

Diluting concentrated sulfuric acid is extremely dangerous and should only be done by trained professionals with the proper safety equipment in a controlled laboratory setting. The reaction is highly exothermic, meaning it releases a lot of heat, and can cause violent boiling and splashing if not done correctly.1 Always add acid to water, never the reverse.
With that said, here's how professionals determine the concentration of sulfuric acid and dilute it:
1. Determine the Concentration of the Concentrated Acid
  • Density Measurement: The most common and reliable method is measuring the density of the acid using a hydrometer. There are tables available that correlate density to concentration at specific temperatures.
  • Titration: This is a more precise method but requires more equipment and expertise. A known volume of the concentrated acid is reacted with a solution of known concentration (usually a base) until the reaction is complete.2 The volume of the known solution used determines the concentration of the acid.
2. Calculate the Dilution
Once you know the concentration of your starting acid, you can use the following formula to calculate how much water you need to add to reach the desired 88% concentration:
C1V1 = C2V2

  • C1 = Initial concentration of the acid3
  • V1 = Volume of the initial acid4
  • C2 = Final concentration of the acid (88%)
  • V2 = Final volume of the diluted acid
3. Dilute the Acid
  • Safety First: Wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) including gloves, eye protection, and a lab coat.5 Work in a fume hood to avoid inhaling any fumes.6
  • Slow and Steady: Slowly add the concentrated acid to the calculated amount of water while stirring continuously.7 Never add water to acid. This can cause a violent reaction and splashing.8
  • Cooling: The dilution process releases a lot of heat.9 Use an ice bath or cooling system to keep the solution from overheating.10
Important Notes:
  • Safety: Diluting sulfuric acid is a hazardous procedure. It should only be performed by trained professionals with the proper safety equipment and in a controlled laboratory environment.
  • Accuracy: The accuracy of the dilution depends on the accuracy of the concentration measurement.
  • Storage: Store the diluted acid in a properly labeled container in a safe location.
If you are not a trained professional, it is strongly recommended that you purchase 88% sulfuric acid from a reputable supplier instead of attempting to dilute it yourself.
Remember, safety is paramount when working with concentrated acids. If you have any doubts or questions, consult a qualified chemist or laboratory technician.