synthetic hashish

  1. O

    How should I go about spraying JWH-210 onto CBG flower?

    Hi everyone, as the question above says, I want to create for myself a "herbal blend" that uses JWH-210 and CBG flower. My dosage is 1 gram JWH-210 to 50 grams of CBG UNGRINDED flower (and I do not widh to grind it, I still want it to look like normal weed) My questions are: could CBG lower the...
  2. William D.

    Synthetic hashish production

    Introduction Main ingredients for smoking mixtures are synthetic cannabinoids. The most suitable cannabinoids for hashish is classic naphthoyl-indoles such as JWH-018, JWH-122, AM-2201, MAM-2201 and UR-144. UR-144 has a low boiling point and evaporates well. You can use AB-PINACA, AB-CHEMINACA...