The method doesnt exist, its about understanding the crystalization.
I usually perorm water crystalization for such amount of time becasue my product is pure. It doesnt need have more solvent to "manipulate" crystals's shape by that and letting it evaporate.
In proper technique you dont evaporate anything (ofc sometimes... nobody is the machine to hit perfect saturation point each time

in the screen you send it was cleaned with acetone after it evaporated( used for washing, acetone usage changes its shape - they are not such sharp as I usually know from experience that could be ) , in the back we can see different colors than presented in the hand. Simply waiting too long usually changes it.
Here its the temperature that decides about the solubility, so you can decide when to remove. I believe its better to remove in most optimal time... to not wash with anything later.
If i had not pure product i would probably choice some solvent mix than just water in the case of what i know about the technique performed in 2009, if you are sure what reagents you have and you made sure they are pure - there is nothing wrong that can happen (if nothing happened later

Thats why I use water.
So simply I do recommonend reading the book - its the best start - really.