I'm going to travel with 17g of cocaine on the bus, how do I get past the police or sniffer dogs unscathed? How do I pack it and where do I keep it in my backpack?
Cave the bread out and make a sandwich. Hide vacuum sealed drugs under salami. Make sure to look real. A friend of mine and I used to do that when we traveled back from Holland.
Don't play with the dogs. Clean/new clothes, clean/new shoes, clean skin and hair, no drugs in your sweat. Double vacuum sealed package totally cleaned outside somewhere best incorporated in the fabric or in the backpack, which you can also leave in case of need if you are in danger of being caught.
Totaly depends on the country and the boarders. Some of the thoughts meantioned above work great in a lot of places, but in some places it is not recomennded at all to use those tactics.