if u want to resell it, go buy to qingdao sigma, if you order a lot of quantity (10 vials of test E for example is at 60€ so less than 10€ per vial) maybe she cans make u a price, and resell it at 17-18€ (dont be like others, dont sell it at 30€) make your logo ect ect, ans thats it, if u want to resell powder, same buy on qingdao, the raw has less probability to be bad (instead of vials, qingdao had some problems with vials before but its fixed now)
if u want to take for yourself , if you want to make a trt go on qingdao bro x)
but if u want to make just one cycle go buy on goldenlabs.org the guy is very professional and cool, cheap price and good quality
you can run it like that :
week 1-10 : 500mg/week E3D
week 3-10 : 500mcg HCG per week
week 10-12 : nothing
week 12-16 : 50mg clomid/20mg nolvadex
you probably need to take arimidex if you feels that your nipples is sensible, but begin with 0,25mg 1x per week to see the difference, if you take more directly, your E2 will shutdown and for the cycle its very very bad. 10 weeks is the minimum, you can take another vial to continue while 4,5 weeks at 125mg or smtg like that to help your body to keep your gains and wait 2,3 weeks ans run PCT , tell me if u have others questions