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Question Need a Chemist to Explain a Synthesis Shared Here


Turkey Dealer
Apr 30, 2022
Reaction score

First of all, greetings to all forum members.

I will tell you a little about myself and the problems I had while learning and applying some syntheses in the forum. I think the professional underground chemists here will solve my problems :)

I have been examining all the syntheses shared on this forum and some points where people have problems for about 1 month and I have been quietly experiencing the potential problems they encounter. I am very interested in amphetamine and its derivatives because of the department I studied at the university. That's why I try to do research from foreign sources and get the information I want, instead of learning from idiots who have a diploma in my country and don't know anything.

I live in Turkey. Therefore, my mother tongue is Turkish. The terms you use in some transactions here are very different from us. I can't understand what you are trying to do in some syntheses. It is almost impossible to search for a term or word that I do not understand on the internet or in the forum.
I found the synthesis I wrote below on this forum. Unfortunately, our member who shared this synthesis did not share much explanatory information for young chemists :(

Without further ado, I will write to you, my esteemed professional teachers, questions next to the lines below / by numbering the parts I put. I would appreciate it if you could answer the questions as I numbered them. :)

4,8g PseudoE /1
2,5g RP
6g I2 /2
1,5ml H3PO4

oil bath
4 Hours Reflux
after reaction:

150ml DH2O /3
add NaOH PH 12+ /3-1
100ml Xylene /3-2

wash with warm, cold DH2O /4
separate funnel /5

+20ml DH2O /6
+20ml DH2O /6-1
add 35%HCL PH 7 /6-2

evaporate in heat /7
washed with cold Acetone /8
recrystalization in Isopropylalcohol with acetone /9
left in the freezer for 12 hours

1: Is it pseudoephedrine that we take out and put directly from the pseudoephedrine drugs mentioned here, or is it pure? (pills that we took out of the box and crushed without any action).. If it is a drug, what drug would you recommend and does it matter how many mg it is? Pseudoephedrine (PEH) is written on some medicine boxes in our country. I guess typing PEH means it's useless for this process.
2: Iodine is mentioned here. but the writing of I2 confused me. When I asked my teacher, he said that it is an iodine compound, but he himself does not know. What does the 2 signify?
3: After the reaction, are we going to do the operations we did here in the bubble where the reaction took place, or do we need to do this in a glass separately?
3-1: As far as I understand, we were asked to raise the pH level above 12 using sodium hydroxide. If I understood correctly, just say YES YOU FOOL :D

3-2: If we increased the pH level in the previous article, why do we add acid again and disturb the pH balance? What is our purpose in adding this?
4: I don't understand anything done in this article please explain clearly or post an article or video where I can learn.
5: I don't understand anything done in this article please explain clearly or post an article or video where I can learn.
6: where do we add
6-1: where do we add
6:2: I think what we're trying to do here is to neutralize the mixture using HCl. (but I still don't know what mix to add the stuff here:D)
7: what is our purpose in doing this and what mixture are we trying to evaporate
8: What is the washing process with cold acetone? and why is it done? (I need a clear explanation of how this is done because it is a situation that I will learn for the first time.)
9: This is the question I most want clarification on. I don't know anything about it. I need a clear explanation of how it's done and why.

I think these are all the questions I need. Thank you everyone in advance for your answers. And I would also like to point out that I am trying to understand almost all the syntheses shared by our teacher G.Patton by taking notes in my notebook and working on them. I made a note on the first page of my notebook that you are my secret hero.
If one day I am arrested, I will tell all my friends about you in prison. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
No, sorry, you actually made an effort to read the syntheses. I won't be like that. But really, can you link to the original synthesis description, because the steps you describe doesn't make sense.
5. You add the xylene to bind the amphetamine freebase in. It's soluble in xylene or toluene, but not water soluble, so it will form a layer on top of the layer of water and water soluble stuff. Then you pour everything in a separating funnel (if you don't know what a separating funnel is and how to use it, research that) and let the layers separate, after which you drain out the bottom water layer.
You're now left with a rather dirty mix of xylene, freebase meth and impurities in your funnel. You pour water on that, shake the funnel...


Don't buy from me
Oct 17, 2021
Reaction score
study the terms and tehniques of organic chemistry first so you understand the processes and terms i would recommend to start here.
also watch the videos of other synthesis on this forum so you can get the better picture.also there are alot of videos on youtube in which you can understand the processes better.
few pointers from me would be 1.either use already purified pseudo,if you have crushed pills you have to seperate the pseudo from the pill fillers(i believe there is a post about that here not sure tho but you can also find it elsewhere).2.I2 is iodine in its elementar form it is one of those compounds like oxygen(O2) that appear always in abbreviation of 2.so normal iodine.if you asked the chemistry teacher this and didnt know he should get fired.

Dont get arrested bro.If you do dont do that xD
And also good luck in your endevours there are much more skilled people than me on this forum that are always ready to help.
Stay safe.


Don't buy from me
Dec 4, 2021
Reaction score
1: It's pure ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
2: It's pure iodone
3: In the same raction vessel, if you dont feel like pouring stuff
3.1: yes you fool
3.2: You add hydroxide to make freebase oil. After separation, you treat that with acid to make the salt form of the product. Research "Acid/base extraction".
4: So I came this far and now you say you dont understand anything?
5: Ok I'm out. Just read up on basic chemistry and watch a lot of chemistry videos on youtube.


Don't buy from me
Dec 4, 2021
Reaction score
No, sorry, you actually made an effort to read the syntheses. I won't be like that. But really, can you link to the original synthesis description, because the steps you describe doesn't make sense.
5. You add the xylene to bind the amphetamine freebase in. It's soluble in xylene or toluene, but not water soluble, so it will form a layer on top of the layer of water and water soluble stuff. Then you pour everything in a separating funnel (if you don't know what a separating funnel is and how to use it, research that) and let the layers separate, after which you drain out the bottom water layer.
You're now left with a rather dirty mix of xylene, freebase meth and impurities in your funnel. You pour water on that, shake the funnel (and vent it, see videos on youtube on this) and let the layers separate again. Drain and discard the water layer. Repeat several times. This way you wash away water soluble impurities from your xylene/meth frebase mix.

6. In the washing performed above. I think, but I don't know what procedure you're referring to.

Then you add the HCl to make methamphetamine HCl from the freebase. This is often done through bubbling dry HCl gas through the mixture though. There's a technique for this, you'll find it under "labarotory techniques" here on the forum. Upon adding HCl to a perfect pH, or bubbling gas, the salt is forms as white, flaky or crystalline precipitates in the xylene mixture. It's a beautiful sight. Usually you just filter out the methamphetamine salt after this stage.

7: probably the xylene, but I REALLY need the original write-up.

8. you pour cold acetone on your salt and shake it around. Acetone-soluble impurities will be washed away.

9. You dissolve your salt in isopropyl alcohol with some acetone in it. Add just enough to dissolve the salt, heat a little bit if needed. The salt is more soluble in a warm solution than in a cold, so when you put it in the freezer, meth crystals will form like magic. The impurities will be left in the solution, and you will get a clean, white salt that you can filter out and dry and do drugs with.

Something like that. But like I said, your notes are really a bit wierd, so just link to the original red P-synthesis description.


Turkey Dealer
Apr 30, 2022
Reaction score
You can read the synthesis I mentioned here
There is a mistake or deficiency about synthesis, you are right. It may also be a mistake to some things I have written because I use Google Translate.
But thank you very much for making me understand some of the operations. I am a young chemistry student yet. these answers are worth gold
Can you leave a understandable article link for Meth synthesis from simple chemicals I can reach. for a young chemistry student?


Don't buy from me
Dec 4, 2021
Reaction score
Just check out the Rhodium archive. https://chemistry.mdma.ch/hiveboard/rhodium/

The thing is, if you don't understand the description of the syntheses, you actually need to acquire more knowledge to be able to perform them. Or you will just fuck them up anyways, possibly injuring yourself or others.
Take the terms and descriptions that you don't understand and google them. Search them on youtube. Look for other communities of wannabe chemists and read read read. Do some simple synths first, like making soap or producing chloroform or chlorobutanol. Look up NileRed on youtube and Chemplayer on BitChute. Synthesise your own reagents and precursors. If the explanations given there are hard for you to understand, research THEM.

And honestly, if you don't understand these syntheses descriptions I really doubt that you are a chemistry student at all, more like a high school student interested in making drugz, right? Nothing wrong with that, but you don't really need less complicated syntheses descriptions, you need more knowledge. And possibly learn a little bit more english? Most of the information online will be in russian or english.


Turkey Dealer
Apr 30, 2022
Reaction score
Thank you very much for your information. I'm definitely not a high school student. The terms we use about chemistry in Turkey are different from what you use in this forum because I have difficulty in making translations this is my only problem.
From the next month, you will see me more with the syntheses I made in this forum.
You can be sure that I will work very hard Docx